Published Article
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

- Becker S, Lee MR, Thornton JF. Ergotrid flap: a local flap for cutaneous defects of the upper lip lateral subunit. Plast Reconstr Surg. 128:460e-464e, 2011
- Lee MR, Unger JG, Rohrich RJ. Management of the nasal dorsum in rhinoplasty: A systematic review of the literature regarding technique, outcomes, and complications. Plast Reconstr Surg 128:538e-50e, 2011. Unger J, Lee MR, Kwon R, Rohrich RJ. A multifactorial analysis of nasal tip deprojection. Plast Reconstr Surg. 128:538e-550e, 2011.
- Saint-Cyr M, Oni G, Lee MR, Y Christina, Colohan, S. Simple approach to harvest of the anterolateral thigh flap. Plast Reconstr Surg. 129: 207-211, 2012.
- Lakhiania C, Lee MR, Saint-Cyr M. Vascular anatomy of the anterolateral thigh flap: a systematic review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 130:1254-1268, 2012.
- Lakhiani C, Goodwin A, Tregaskiss A, Scheker L, Lin R, Cheng A, Lee MR, Scheker L, Saint-Cyr M. Free tissue transfer to the traumatized upper extremity: risk factors for postoperative complications in 282 cases. Plast Reconstr Surg. 130:56, 2012.
- Constantine F, Lee MR, Sinno S., Thornton JF. Reconstruction of the Nasal Soft Triangle Subunit. Plast Reconstr Surg. 131:1045-1050, 2013.
- Rohrich RJ, Lee MR. External approach for secondary rhinoplasty-Advances over the last twenty-five years. Plast Reconstr Surg.131:404-416, 2013.
- Harrison BL, Lakhiani C, Lee MR, Saint-Cyr M. Timing of traumatic upper extremity free flap reconstruction: a systematic review and progress report. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 132:591-596, 2013.
- Farkas JP, Lee MR, Lakianhi C, Rohrich RJ. Effects of carving plane, level of harvest, and oppositional suturing techniques on costal cartilage warping. Plast Reconstr Surg. 132:319-325, 2013.
- Unger J, Roostaeian J, Geissler P, Lee MR, Cheng D, Geissler P, Narisaham K, Rohrich RJ. The open approach in secondary rhinoplasty: choosing an incision regardless of prior placement. Plast Reconstr Surg. 132:780-786, 2013.
- Lee, MR. Discussion – Anatomic study of the medial crura and effect on nasal tip projection in open rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 132:794-795, 2013.
- Geissler P, Lee MR, Unger J, Roostaeian J, Rohrich R. Reshaping the Medial Nostril and Columellar Base: Five-Step Medial Crural Footplate Approximation. Plast Reconstr Surg. 132:553-557, 2013.
- Geissler P, Roostaeian J, Lee MR, Unger J, Rohrich R. Role of upper lateral cartilage tension spanning suture in restoring the dorsal aesthetic lines in rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 133:7e-11e, 2014.
- Lee MR, Tabbal G, Kurkijan J, Roostaeian J, Rohrich RJ. Classifying columellar deformities in rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 133: 464e, 2014.
- Roostaeian J, Unger JG, Lee MR, Geissler P, Rohrich RJ. Reconstitution of the nasal dorsum following component dorsal reduction in primary rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 133:509-518, 2014.
- Lee MR. Discussion – The deviated nose and asymmetric eyebrows: an important trap to avoid. Plast Reconstr Surg. 133:524-525, 2014.
- Lee MR, Unger JB, Adams WP. The tissue-based triad: a process approach to augmentation mastopexy. Plast Reconstr Surg. 134:215-225, 2014.
- Potter J, Lee MR, Oxford L, Wong C, Saint-Cyr M. Proximal peroneal perforator in dual-skin paddle configuration of fibula free flap for composite oral reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 133:1485-1492, 2014.
- Lee MR, Geissmer P, Cochran S, Gunter JP, Rohrich RJ. Decreasing nasal tip projection in rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 134:41e-49e. 2014.
- Lee MR, Malafa M, Roostaeian J, et al. Soft tissue composition of the columella and potential relevance in rhinoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg. 134:621-625, 2014.
- Sinno, S, Chang JB, Chaudhry A, Saadeh P, Lee MR. Anatomy and management of the depressor septi nasi muscle: A systematic review. Plast Reconstr Surg. 134:134-135, 2014.
- Unger JG, Roostaeian J, Small K, Pezeshk R, Lee MR, Harris R, Rohrich RJ. Alar contour grafts in rhinoplasty: A safe and reproducible way to refine alar contour aesthetics. Plast Reconstr Surg. 137:52-61, 2016.
- Lee MR, Sinno S, Reply: anatomy and surgical treatment of the depressor septi nasi muscle: a systematic review. Plast Reconstr. Surg. 137:243e, 2016.
- Farkas JP, Lee MR, Rohrich RJ. Technical maneuvers to decrease warping of peripheral costal cartilage grafts. Plast Reconstr Surg 138(2) 228e-232e, 2016.
- Sinno S, Mehta K, Lee Z, Kidwai S, Saadeh P, Pierr B, Lee MR. Inferior turbinate Hypertrophy in Rhinoplasty: Systematic Review of Surgical Techniques. Plast Reconstr Surg 138(3):419e, 2016.
- Wall S, Jr., Lee MR. Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization Concepts for Comprehensive Body Contouring. Plast Reconstr Surg. 138(6):1192-1201, 2016.
- Lehrman C, Lee MR, Ramanadham, S, Rohrich RJ. Digital imaging in secondary rhinoplasty. Plastic Reconstr Surg. 137:950e, 2016.