Facial Rejuvenation

Eyelid Lift

In eyelid rejuvenation, the shape of the eyes must be preserved. People want to look better, not different.

The Procedure in


Among the most noticeable signs of facial aging are the changes that occur around the eyes. After years of sun exposure and the expressive movement that occurs after years of facial animation, the changes that occur can create a perpetual appearance of tiredness and fatigue. The upper eyelid develops excess skin laxity that may extend beyond the lash line. In severe cases this skin may even cause visual obstruction. This excess skin of the upper eyelid may also be influenced by the position of the overlying brow. A heavy brow can push the upper eyelid skin down.

Surgical correction of the upper eyelid may be as simple as removing excess skin and fat– a procedure known as an upper blepharoplasty. If the brow requires repositioning for the best result, a concurrent browlift may be recommended.

The lower eyelid, also significantly influenced by aging, can be corrected with a lower blepharoplasty. Where the lower eyelid meets the cheek is an area of particular importance and is termed the ‘lid-cheek junction’. In youth, there is a smooth transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek. As aging occurs this area becomes more demarcated and noticeable. The loss of underlying bone and overlying soft tissue is very evident in the midface or cheek area as we age. In addition to volume loss gravity begins to cause the cheek to descend lower on the face creating facial folds. Both non-surgical and surgical procedures can be used to reverse the signs of aging that occur around the eyes.

Surgical Notes

Upper Eyelid Lift


General or local

Length of Surgery

1.5 hours

Outpatient / Inpatient


Adjunct Procedures

Brow lift or lower eyelid lift


1-2 weeks

Lower Eyelid Lift


General or local

Length of Surgery

1.5 hours

Outpatient / Inpatient


Adjunct Procedures

Facelift or upper eyelid lift


2-3 weeks

Dr. Lee's Priorities &


Dr. Lee’s high level of knowledge and expertise in all aspects of facial rejuvenation place him among the elite in the specialty. His approach is a blend of time-tested traditional techniques and the latest advances in non-surgical and surgical treatments.

Performing the upper eyelid blepharoplasty is usually straightforward if the brow is in a good position. This is done through an incision placed in the natural crease of the eyelid where the scar will be as imperceptible as possible. Corrections to the lower eyelid is predicated on the amount of excess skin present and if fatty tissue must be removed. In either case, fat may be removed, redistributed, or even added to create a smooth transition from lid to cheek. Incisions for lower lid are just under the lower eye lashes.


I have big bags under my eyes, but I am afraid to get them fixed because I’ve seen people look “hollow” after that surgery. How do you prevent that?

There has been a distinct change in current philosophy today regarding lower eyelid surgery when compared with even a decade ago. My approach is to balance the volume between the eyelid and cheek by transposition, reduction, and fat grafting to provide a subtle youthful contour, avoiding the “hollow look”.

How soon can I wear my contacts after eyelid surgery?

After surgery you will be prescribed ointments and eye drops to help the lids heal and keep the eyes moist. Contacts (and cosmetics) are not advised for at least 2 weeks to ensure proper healing.

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